Dear Friend,

I never wrote a love letter, but this letter is for you
And it is written with love in mind, I hope you feel it too!

You've come to mean so much to me, so very much indeed.
Familiar friends we can remain or move to intimacy;

But I must warn you - you must take heed - that I abstain from sex,
Unless I'm married to you - dear friend - the thought we can't caress.

And since I believe that my Maker I'll meet,
Then I must wait until the "I Do's."

And so my friend know that I love you,
but I also love me too;

Yetta N.A.

Creative Community Concepts
Trust and Obey News
5 Loaves / 2 Fish

(The Love Letter was originally published in the 1990's under the

 pseudonym "PowerScript.")

Keep walking towards the Cross. ​DON'T GIVE UP! 
Until the next time, remember Jesus loves you

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Creative Community Concepts
PMB 1097
2230 Route 70W STE 2
Cherry Hill, NJ  08002
