A few guys who knew about the Bible got together to preach the Gospel. One could read well, another could adequately pray, and the third man was a good actor. They all decided to go on television and are now extremely popular. All of them know the Bible, but they are not preaching. More specifically, they are not preaching in a traditional way. A lot of “he said this and they do that” is heard but is that preaching? Well, I don’t believe it is and here’s why.

Let's reflect on Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Do you remember how he stood alone behind the pulpit looking directly into the congregation with his eyes firmly fixed? Do you recall how he began his sermon with a Bible verse and then followed it with a short story, sermon topic, explanation of the text, and the conclusion. That’s the traditional sermon outline.

Some of you may have heard of Reverend C.L. Franklin and the famous sermon he preached entitled “The Eagle Stirreth Her Nest.” The same format was applied. Evangelist Billy Graham also preached using this outline and his messages had similar patterns. The Bible verses, short story, explanation of the text, and conclusion. Notice that the preachers used the same formula for preaching even though they were from different cultures.

Preaching has been passed down by Church pastors throughout the years from one generation to another. The Pastor not only has the attention of a body of believers in Christ Jesus who were once lost but are now found, but also of those people who are seeking God and/or a better understanding of Him.

Pastors are not college professors of religion but are Ministers of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The messages they deliver to their congregations must come from God. They must be messages that God has given them to preach.

The timing of Church pastors and preachers is important in that they must deliver their message to their congregation within a specified period of time. With the help of God, they must exhort, teach, and encourage in ample enough time so that souls are saved, healed, delivered, and set free. They must do the will of the Lord. This is the difference between traditional church pastors and preachers versus some of those shown on television and social media who are more concerned with ratings, subscribers and selling things rather than individual salvation and spiritual growth.

Salvation comes by faith in Jesus Christ. It is through the work done on the Cross that makes one worthy to stand before Christ Jesus and God the Father. It is through the Blood of Jesus.

Believers are free to continue with Christ by obeying the Gospel and walking in the Holy Ghost. If you are in doubt of your salvation and walking in unbelief, then you are not on the right road. I suggest you turn to a Local Pastor for spiritual help and guidance not television and social media. God’s Word commands us to forsake not the assembling of ourselves together and we can’t do that in our individual homes looking at the TV. Besides the Church Pastor, God has also ordained elders, deacons, and the five-fold ministry to assist the Pastor in the life of the church. Find a church home and become a part of a Bible teaching assembly where you can find out what it means to be saved and develop a spiritual life pleasing unto God.

Bishop Joseph P. Simmons
Words of Wisdom

Bishop Simmons is a guest blogger. He is the Assistant Pastor at True Church of Christ in Easthampton, New Jersey located at 1333 Monmouth Road, Easthampton, New Jersey. He can also be heard every Tuesday night at 11:00 p.m. on WTMR AM Radio 800 Camden, NJ.
