Let love be without dissimulation.
Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good.
(Romans 12:9)
Merciful God, in the name of Jesus Christ, heal our land.
Heal our land of this recurring cancer of evil which seeks to kill, steal, and destroy every good thing our country has nurtured and matured. Rid the United States of America of the overt hatred that continues to lend itself to senseless violence and loss of lives. Heal us from the society ill of racism and from the “lies” and entrenched "evil culture" it seeks to hold onto. Cut it off at the root, and cast it into the pit of hell where it belongs.
Plant new seeds of love in the hearts of those who perpetrate hate. Provide those who are laboring in the harvest with the fertilizer of kindness, goodness, gentleness, and peace as they diligently till the unsaved racist souls for Your glory.
Heal our land of this recurring cancer of evil which seeks to kill, steal, and destroy every good thing our country has nurtured and matured. Rid the United States of America of the overt hatred that continues to lend itself to senseless violence and loss of lives. Heal us from the society ill of racism and from the “lies” and entrenched "evil culture" it seeks to hold onto. Cut it off at the root, and cast it into the pit of hell where it belongs.
Plant new seeds of love in the hearts of those who perpetrate hate. Provide those who are laboring in the harvest with the fertilizer of kindness, goodness, gentleness, and peace as they diligently till the unsaved racist souls for Your glory.
Remember our children and protect them from the shame and vile acts they witness so that their spiritual growth is not stunted and their young hearts are not hardened.
Forgive us all of our sins. In Jesus Christ’s name, I pray. Amen.
If my people, which are called by my name,
shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face,
and turn from their wicked ways;
then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin,
and will heal their land.
(2 Chronicles 7:14)
Peace & Blessings.
Yetta N.A.
Trust and Obey News
5 Loaves / 2 Fish
5 Loaves / 2 Fish
Keep walking towards the Cross. DON'T GIVE UP!
Until the next time, remember Jesus loves you
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